Parent Coaching

What is Parent Coaching?

Like therapy, you will be working with an expert clinician using evidence-based practices to identify and achieve goals.

It is a task-oriented, typically shorter-term process that prioritizes the “how” of addressing concerns impacting your family. The focus is on skills that reduce negative and ineffective interactions and reinforce positive, neutral and effective interactions!

What to Expect from Parent Coaching?

How to Enact - Collaborative Problem Solving

  • Prioritizing Issues

  • Behavior Change

  • Positive Reinforcement

  • Bids for Connection

  • Consequences and Incentives

Psychoeduation on

  • Levels of Validation

  • Distress Tolerance Skills

  • Positive Time Together

  • Breaks and Flexibility

  • Interpersonal Goals for Conflict

Different Types of Parenting Styles

  • Prioritizes hierarchical authority and rules.

    This style uses punishment as discipline, and may teach children to feel sorry for their mistakes and focus on avoiding upsetting parents rather than thinking of how to do things better in the future.

  • Prioritizes freedom and little interference, using a forgiving and lenient approach.

    Children may feel greater closeness and safety with parents, but struggle with discipline, structure and rules. It may be more difficult to effectively manage harmful choices and behaviors.

  • Prioritizes minimal involvement in children’s lives outside of providing basic needs.

    This style may provide children may with greater independence and skillfulness problem solving, while also neglecting children of connection, education of social skills, and poor self-esteem due to lack of security with parents.

  • Prioritizes modeling and reinforcing behaviors through positive interactions with children. This style considers children’s feeling and provides clarity on rules and consequences.

    This style uses nurturing to set firm boundaries and expectations. Most likely to promote development of responsible adults who build skills such as empathy, problem solving, interpersonal skills, and resilience.


Adolescent Individual Therapy


Consultation & Workshops